By Joy - 16/06/2010 14:42 - Denmark

Today, we had guests coming over. My dad wanted me to make some bacon, but I refused because I'm a vegetarian, and don't like to touch meat. His response? 'Good joke honey, now make the bacon.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 063
You deserved it 19 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

or maybe the,"good joke honey" was sarcasm for,"I know you've given a million handjobs,just touch it" think about it!!

or your dad knows you are a vegetarian but assumed that you could still at least touch meat. refusing to touch it seems extreme.


lol that sucks my best friends a vegetarian and she can't cone ovr caus she don't eat meat.

brettparish1 0

maybe when u said u don't touch meat your husband thought about something else.... haha

samyslamajamma 0

Okay i dont understand how you can be a vegge. And all these people saying were more like carnivores or herivores, we arent technically either, we are omnivores genious. Which means all eating, i think, in latin. Plus people who say we kill animals, so? They kill us right on back by tearing us to shreds. So its okay for them to do it, but not us?

the horrors of hell and bothered took to my skin and I sleep tonight

Why always deny what is natural, instead of jerking off with fresh cream and cake and the BEER?

O great demon, and the vagaries of free publicity, WHY WHY WHY do you torment me??? O O RAGE DESPAIR torment watching me

I've been vegetarian too, for about 8 years. It's not unnatural, and it's very healthy. Vegetarians happen to be the healthiest people on earth, statiscally speaking. So all you rednecks who commented above might want to try eating less fat encrusted meat like bacon ;). You'll probably end up dying of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and the like. GOOD LUCK.

thatonetribute 31


I've been vegetarian too, for about 8 years. It's not unnatural, and it's very healthy. Vegetarians happen to be the healthiest people on earth, statiscally speaking. (when I say vegetarians, I mean VEGETARIANS, NOT VEGANS.) So all you rednecks who commented above might want to try eating less fat encrusted meat like bacon ;). You'll probably end up dying of heart attacks, high blood pressure, cholesterol and the like. GOOD LUCK.