By onefishtwofishes - 23/05/2013 20:15 - United States - Washington

Today, the communications expert I'm forced to work with added the line "as they can catch bigger fishes" to a film script. She does not believe me when I tell her that the plural of fish is "fish." This idiot not only has the final word, she makes twice what I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 936
You deserved it 4 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fish and fishes are both acceptable plural forms of "fish"; well that's what magic schoolbus told me!


flockz 19

perhaps the person saying the script is an uneducated person?

Fish and fishes are both acceptable plural forms of "fish"; well that's what magic schoolbus told me!

It's partly a regional thing , but there are some "rules" behind it: when they're talking about a multitude of any fish, fish would be the plural. When they're talking about multiple species, "fishes" should be used. (I caught a lot of fish today.) (This aquarium contains many fishes (so many species).)

A Kim Possible episode taught me that, lol. (Shego and Dr. Drakken)

The Bible even says that Jesus fed 5,000 with five loaves and the two "fishes".

DoubleSoul 11

You learn something new every day. I knew both were plural but didn't know that fishes referred to species. Awesome.

Nope, fishes is one form of the plural for fish, simple as that. The correct way to say your second example would be 'many species of fish' because 'many fishes' would just mean many fish.

That's also what my Biology teacher told me! So YDI op. No consolation there!

zeffra13 31

#53, As a wildlife biologist, I can honestly say your correction is incorrect.

oj101 33

What are you talking about OP? It's fishes. And for the record, so you know next time, the plural for multiple sheep is sheeps. *satire*

Last time I checked it was sheep not Sheeps

has anyone told you you're a di*beep*?

u002764 3

you are wrong. fish- pleural, same species fishes- pleural, different species

RedPillSucks 31

So analogously, sheep - many sheep of the same species sheepes - many sheep of different species. Does this work with moose too? I'm here all day folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

#50, "plural" means more than one; "pleural" means pertaining to the pleura, which is a membrane that lines the thorax and surrounds the lungs.

The plural of moose is meese, everyone knows that.

The plural for moose is... MOOSEN. Example: I saw a flock of moosen. There were many of 'em. Many much moosen!

flockz 19

in this instance yes. "fishes" is only used when you're referring to multiple species of fish. for example, if you said you saw four fish while scuba diving, this means you saw four individual fish. however if you said you saw four fishes, then you saw four individual species of fish. so in this instance the OP was correct, because the script wasn't talking about different species, but rather "bigger fishes". but yes fishes is also a possible plural form of fish.

#16 This is generally true, but in some cases it can just be a regional difference, and that doesn't always make it wrong.

lily_marleen 20

#47 - You are awesome. That comment made my day! :)

#47 I know thats why I said it, sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate into text, so no need to punch me in the throat (or fingers in this case) I work in a scrapyard and a lady in the office greets everyone in the morning with "Hello kiddies" **** its annoying.

Looks like she's fishing for a demotion.

Well, just look forward to saying "I told you so" when she discovers you were right

SexySlayer1248 18

I would make the argument to take it out because its distracting, simply because people will debate if its proper English or not

Well, if you can call her an idiot for that, then you're an idiot too for correcting her. Both words are acceptable.

And here I thought that writing a script should be like shooting fishes in a barrel for a communications expert.

After getting bitched at in 2nd grade everytime I wrote "fishes", I've grown up and realized that because so many idiots never got it down, it's now acceptable to say "fishes". Little Me got bitched out for no reason. Wonderful!

It's not for no reason. "Fishes" is still improper in most cases. Don't fall under the guile of those idiots whom you've previously spoken of.