By onefishtwofishes - 23/05/2013 20:15 - United States - Washington

Today, the communications expert I'm forced to work with added the line "as they can catch bigger fishes" to a film script. She does not believe me when I tell her that the plural of fish is "fish." This idiot not only has the final word, she makes twice what I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 936
You deserved it 4 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fish and fishes are both acceptable plural forms of "fish"; well that's what magic schoolbus told me!


crazedsyco 15

I know this was already stated... But fishes a plural. Get a dictionary before you go insulting people publicly.

saraitkddh 47

I am studying English Literature and fishes is not wrong. There's a difference between fish and fishes; fishes means many kinds of fish( like shark, salmon, sardines ), while fish can be singular or plural but for one kind of fish.

"Fish" is the plural of one type of fish, "fishes" is the plural of multiple types of fish.

Vidimus 13

You should verify your own knowledge before posting about your perception of other people's mistakes. "Fishes" is an acceptable term, especially in the scientific community. You should have noted that it is a legitimate term when your internet browser did not add the red squiggly line under it as you typed your post. Fishes is particularly used when referring to multiple species, as opposed to just an unspecified group of fish.

Actually fishes is correct for more than one species.

If its all the same kind of fish, the plural is fish. If its different kinds, its fishes. ex: Several gold fish. ex: An aquarium of fishes.

"Fish" is singular or plural for one type of fish. "Fishes" is plural for different types or species of fish. Both are grammatically correct in respective contexts. Source: AP English literature, and my mom, who has been a copy editor for years.

Actually, either form is correct. "Fishes" is just more awkward than "fish."