By ilovecowboys - 26/02/2010 09:09 - New Zealand

Today, on the train to work, the train guard was hot and I became stupidly nervous. I'm very shy and was trying to avoid eye-contact. He said 'THANK YOU', in a pissed off tone of voice and glared at me. I had absent-mindedly been staring in the direction of his prosthetic arm the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 876
You deserved it 7 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Paradoodle 5

you could totally fix that. when you get off just say I'm sorry I get nervous around cute guys and I'm sorry for offending you. then wink and get off

Ugh, I know the feeling. When I'm deep in thought, I end up just staring in a random direction. One time, I was staring at a girl's boobs without even knowing. She noticed...


Watch where you're looking, or look where you're seeing, or look out for what you see, or keep a watch on your outlook, er, watch out for what you're looking at, or any combination of the above... or... You know what they say, All Toasters Toast Toast!

TapeMan_3000 0

wow sometimes I'm avoiding looking at something and look at something else. but you don't even know what or who you're looking at until it's too late.

baby_val 0

ohh my word me too! I feel bad sometimes too cause my Friends will point it out

I do that all the time and that just happened at probably the worst time

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jjhtown 0

that was mean and y would he do that if hes hot i dont think any1 would use a fake arm to do that

so your saying any person with a physical disability is just trying to 'show off' wow somee bitch you are. that's really rude to say because some people can't help the fact that they have a disability and that they have to show it. you must be a real bitch #4.

wow you're a crude little bitch aren't you -.-

indianabummer 0

Not your fault OP, sounds like he was overly sensitive about it, I wouldn't worry about it

Although I agree, I don't think he overreacted. I have SUPER short hair for a girl and I get stared at all the time. I gets SO ANNOYING and you just want to punch them.

watch what you do next time. staring is rude.

leilaostara 1

Can you read? She was trying to avoid eye contact, and she didn't even notice his fake arm!

Sounds like he's got a lot of baggage about his injury. Not a mentally or emotionally healthy person at all.

Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Ugh, I know the feeling. When I'm deep in thought, I end up just staring in a random direction. One time, I was staring at a girl's boobs without even knowing. She noticed...

Me too! It was quite embarrassing, as I'm sure you know. Fortunately, she was my friend, so I was able to explain.