By GetOutOfMyHouseLoser - 08/12/2013 23:44 - United States

Today, my unemployed scumbag boyfriend sold a painting I had just bought so he could buy phoney drugs that he told me he had quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 801
You deserved it 17 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why he was even your boyfriend prior to this happening


Labyrinth13 20

I sincerely hope that you kicked his ass out instantly!

I'm sorry OP, that's messed up. Good riddens! Why on earth would someone buy phony/fake drugs? What's the point in that? I guess you can't blame his behavior on being high or out of his mind since he's taking phony drugs. I've never heard of such a thing!

calliet145 14

If he's such an uneducated scumbag, why were you still with him? Clearly more happened before he bought PHONY drugs in order for you to call him that, so why didn't you break up with him long ago? Sounds to me like you're both not the sharpest tools in the shed...

I hope you mean ex-boyfriend and that you've kicked him out?

I hope he's not your boyfriend anymore...

You deserve it you shouldn't keep him around

I would suggest telling him "Get the hell out"

FMLitsFire 4

and yet. here you are. still dating him

Phoney drugs? You mean krokriol? Or whatever that heroin knockoff is? Then I'd get away form him before he starts dropping body parts.