By GetOutOfMyHouseLoser - 08/12/2013 23:44 - United States

Today, my unemployed scumbag boyfriend sold a painting I had just bought so he could buy phoney drugs that he told me he had quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 800
You deserved it 17 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why he was even your boyfriend prior to this happening


Dump his sorry lazy ass and get yourself a man...that has a real job and responsibilities!

Aren't unemployed, thieving substance abuser exes the best?!? I hope you reported the missing painting to the police after you kicked him out, OP. I'm not sure how much time and effort they'll put into finding it, but at least you'll have a claim to it if it turns up as well as grounds for having his ass hauled straight to jail if he turns up begging for a second chance.

If it's what I think it is, and you love him, help him with his addiction, there are lots of programs he can get into.... Addiction is an awful thing and withdrawal is worse than the worst sickness anyone can get, but there is hope, if you want to help get him into a Dr that can get him on a suboxin program, look online, I wish the best for both of you, and hope he can beat his addiction, you are probably the only thing keeping him from taking the train to death town, inspire him to get better, addiction isn't a choice, it's a disease, like cancer..

He has to want the help and want to get better.

People also get addicted to and abuse Suboxone. If someone is really trying to detox they need to be watched very closely. But if this guy was buying fake drugs, I'm wondering if it's K2. That stuff is SO dangerous because it's not for human consumption therefore can have all kinds of crazy things in it. I've taken care of many people having seizures using that. Nobody knows the long term effects. It's sad when anyone gets addicted.

ZY1431 24

jeez I'd dump him then make sure u get paid back the mone....wait he has no job....

Been there, done that, girl. Dump his ass and move on.

I don't get why you were still with him

If he is an "unemployed scumbag" why are you still calling him boyfriend?