By fuck you, tasha - 24/08/2014 21:50 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, my sister felt guilty and told me about the changes she secretly made to my résumé months ago. She'd put "doing your mom" and "corporate espionage" as my hobbies, and "Justin Bieber's pussy waxer" as a previous job. No wonder I'm still unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 264
You deserved it 8 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christina3466 17

Maybe Justin Bieber will hire you.


Ok, that really is a shitty move, but why don't you review your resumé before sending it out???

Did you not read your résumé before handing it to prospective employers at least once

Just a piece of advice. You need to update your cover letter and the rest of your CV to make it highlight skills that you think will be relevant to the company you are applying for. Do your research and update it accordingly.

No offense OP, but you weren't proof reading YOUR resume before submitting it to potential employers? YDI

Don't list hobbies. they are no longer needed (or wanted) on a resume these days. But sorry your sister is such a B. At least she confessed.

What a brilliant sister, this letter will guarantee you a job from JB

you are the one who should be careful..

This goes beyond rude! That was sabotage! FYL indeed!

That sucks for you, but that was ****** hilarious