By Anonymous - 21/02/2012 19:24 - Germany

Today, my sculpture, which is very important for my art grade, fell from my desk and broke to pieces. My art teacher suggested I soak the parts in water to make it easier to stick them back together. They dissolved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 523
You deserved it 3 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have time to remake it? If not your art teacher should understand. She was the one who suggested you soak them in water.

I just had two projects I need to pass my ceramics class explode because someone else's project blew up in the kiln


jake98899889 4

Well can't say this has happen to me. Just stick in their and finish out strong and be sure not to complain about. Be more careful next time.

I'm not normally a grammar nazi, but I find your comment frustrating to read. :/

b0ngs 7

Sounds more like sex advice to me...poorly worded

Your teacher does not like you and told you that knowing that it would dissolve under water

ihaveatightbutt 0

I'm a troll. Moderate me bitches!

feldco1 17

Hopefully your teacher lets you remake it! Good luck OP :)

musicluvr2000 11

You left them in too long but still, I'm sorry for you. ):

I hope your teacher at least gave you time for a remake. Sorry to hear for the unfortunate moment :/ hopefully everything goes well in the end!

I bet your hopes for passing this project shattered...

Art is process. That was your process. Hand in the sludge and call it deconstruction. Bullshit, presented confidently, is also art.

You should have known that your papier mâché globe would fall apart in water.

Hello, Doc. Nice to meet you. I find your wit as refreshing as ever!