By Anonymous - 30/11/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, my mom sat on a pencil and started bleeding. She then made me clean the wound on her butt and put ointment on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 128
You deserved it 4 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a woman and her child, so perhaps she trusted you. What if someday your mom is 87 years old, and requires you to clean her, feed her, and change her diapers all the while she's unable to even talk? Are you going to post on FML about how your life sucks? Or are you going to behave like a responsible, moral person who takes care of her family rather than find it disgusting and something for all to hear?

She sat on a pencil and it magically made her ass bleed? I have an image of a pencil standing straight up and usually just doesn't happen like that, pal.


And how does that even compare to her wiping your ass for you when you were a baby?

lyndis_fml 0

There is NO reason she shouldn't have been able to do this herself. Lazy bitch.

Well, you were a better choice than your boyfriend. =p Of course, if the pencil was something that you left lying around, you only have yourself to blame.

WorkThatButt 2

How dare you post this on FML? (Unless you want your FML to get moderated, just to serve your ego) - That woman screamed in pain and agony to bring you into this world, wiped your ass when you needed wiping, fed you, teached you, and you can't effing just take care of a small cut on her outter butt?...

dearambivalence 0

On the bright side, it wasn't your father's ass.

Don't worry, at least your mother isn't a turtle.

This is fake how would your mother cut herself with a pencil by sitting on it? unless the pencil was pointing straight up and I doubt that happened.

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

Number 30 the correct form is taught not teached. Perhaps you shouldn't have dropped out of school ... idiot

dancingyrlie 1

she probably cleaned and put ointment on dozens of your wounds as a kid, some of which were undoubtedly in private places. i think you owe her. YDI for thinking this is a FML.