By garage - 27/01/2010 06:21 - France

Today, my dad thought it'd be funny to put an Edward Cullen cutout behind my car as I backed it out the garage to see my reaction. Oh it was funny alright, except I was so scared that when I saw him through the mirror I reacted by stepping on the gas. We now have half a garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 714
You deserved it 8 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Hehe. (: *He* deserved that one.

I approve of your attempt to murder Ed Cullen. If I saw a glittery gay vampire I'd probably try to mow him down with my car too.


f_your_life_09 0

ok I'm calling fake there r too many flaws here 1 when u back out of a garage the garage door is open 2 normally people open there garage door before they even get into their car so u would have seen it and 3 I'm pretty sure ur a twilight fan cuz otherwise there would b no point to get u a life size cut out. so i'm pretty sure u wouldn't freak out

kelleyb323 0
kelleyb323 0

an wouldn't you see it before you got in?

FYL for being in love with an imaginary character! ha!

acerox19 0

you don't have to pay for it i hope FYL

yellowfever90 0

Be happy it wasn't a real person.

Lol, why would the dad bother to put the cutout in the garage, if the OP wasn't obsessed? Judging by the OP's reaction, he/she is...Slamming on the gas seems a bit strange, though. If the OP's dad had been standing there, he probably wouldn't have gotten run over..

namhowell 6

LMAO at all of the people who thought the car went forward. And I agree completely with #28, about all those things. FYL but you also deserve this one.

you're another gay arse ****** twilight fan. I hope the airbags went off and concussed you.