By bewitched and bothered - 02/02/2009 13:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went into great detail over the Tiffany's jewelry he painstakingly selected for his previous girlfriends on their birthday. I got hand towels. In powder blue. From Target. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 502
You deserved it 2 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alwaysalady 0

On our first Christmas together, my husband gave me a cheese grater. When I asked him why, he said, "You said you needed one. " Did you mention you needed something like that? Cause that's how men think. I need= splendid, fail proof gift.

um, who gives their gf hand towels for her birthday?


I personally could care less about jewelery, but this seems to be a clear case of 'He's just not that into you'

um, who gives their gf hand towels for her birthday?

alwaysalady 0

On our first Christmas together, my husband gave me a cheese grater. When I asked him why, he said, "You said you needed one. " Did you mention you needed something like that? Cause that's how men think. I need= splendid, fail proof gift.

midnightlime 0

maybe he dint want to lose as much money

you dont give expensive gifts to ****-buddies.

that sucks. . . my bf has bought his previous gf tiffany's jewelry for her bday, this yr for mine he took me to disneyland- when it's your bday you get in for free. . .

Oh no! Your boyfriend took you to Disney land? Dump his ass!

I just found this comment through random FML and my boyfriend does the same thing. He tells me all about how romantic he was with previous girlfriends, giving them flowers and covering the bed with flower petals, stuff like that. The most romantic thing he has done for this MAJOR romantic (me) is walked me home. We live in dorms not even 5 minutes from each other. FML. hehe

lacespace 8

I would actually dump that one...

To all the guys complaining. I'm a girl and I understand that maybe he regrets spending so much money in previous gifts as a pathetic attempt to buy his former girlfriend's affection, but hand towels are still a crappy, thoughtless gift. Specially after bragging about the fantastic presents he got for other people. He could have bought her a book from an author she liked and it would've been even cheaper and much better than a necklace.

As a guy who's gone through something similar (on the guy end of the submission), when you spend a lot of money on a girl who treats you like shit in the end, you can get pretty jaded about spending on girls... it starts to feel like a waste, even.

crowdish 0

I don't think the OP is trying to imply that she deserves expensive gifts from her boyfriend, but you have to admit that it is really rude to tell her all about the great gifts he got for other people if he didn't intend to get her something similar. If he didn't have the money or whatever, he should have just kept his mouth shut.