By Nikki - 02/02/2009 12:56 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend some nude pics of me. Later I get a text from my dad asking me when I had gotten a tattoo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 424
You deserved it 53 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how the hell could you accidental send it to your dad instead of your boyfriend? whats your boyfriends name? dado?

justincase456 0


justincase456 0

how the hell could you accidental send it to your dad instead of your boyfriend? whats your boyfriends name? dado?

effedupdays 0

Lmfao 7 made me burst out laughing. The comment was better than the fml 

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#42 so true hahahah but this is funny shit dado? bahah

LeeRichie 0

she likes to call him daddy

Maybe her boyfriend sent the pics around and eventually they got to her dad?

heathallin 0

i would hate to do that. at least your dad had a sense of humour about it eh?

canowoopass 0

I might be missing a reference to something, but this seems completely irrelevant.

better your dad who will delete ur pics then ur boyfriend who will send it to his friends and yeah... u know the rest

Hey, you never know, you could interpret the FML as the bf sent the pictures to the dad... As it does seem a bit unlikely you'd mix up your dad and your boyfriend

badluckalex 23
Guiseppi 0

Hahahaha, your father sounds like an awesome guy. Priceless.

pommeblossom 0
MrTeabag420 0

ur an idiot 14. how r u seriously asking tht? here

hahafylop 4

You say that 32, then your a f'ing moron. 14 said that because tatoo is incorrect spelling. Here,

aasshhhhlleeyyyx 3

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123sploosh 0

thats disgusting. you are sooooo disgusting. your whole FAMILY is disgusting

thats a little to weird... even for FML