By nicole - 22/09/2011 10:31 - Reserved

Today, my boyfriend confessed that after every fight we have, he dips my toothbrush in the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 377
You deserved it 5 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suggest hiding your toothbrush after every fight.

sseberly 11

Jokes on him because you've probably kissed between fights.


yaknowiverse 0

That's ******* disgusting. DUMP HIM IMMEDIATELY.

Get him to admit it in an email or text them go to the police. That is an arrestable offence.

Ashlyn_nicole11 6

He must enjoy it. Otherwise he wouldn't kiss you after every fight.

mario3584 0

Before or after he ***** and pisses

My bf confessed that he's done that to me after a fight. Instead of freaking out, I have my own revenge. He hates it when I brush my hair by him bc I tend to shed a lot, so sometimes while he's sleeping, I clean my brush out and sprinkle the hairs out on him. Childish, I know, but it's better than punching him in the back of his head. FYL, I suggest carrying a spare in your purse.

He essentially puts shit in your mouth, so you sprinkle hair on him. Yeah, that'll teach him.

kurlyfries222 0

I'm guessing this conversation ended with your toothbrush in the toilet???