By sopathetic - 26/02/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were fooling around. I was sitting up on my bed when he reached down near my privates and said, "Wow babe, did you shave today? It's so soft..." He was actually touching my bottom roll above my vagina which delightfully formed a crease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 014
You deserved it 22 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vitamin_f 0

Why does it crease vertically in the middle like a vulva does? That's what I don't understand, lol.

itsfuntobesexy 0



chaotic_irony 0

i would lose some weight..a lot if your fat is doing that. your life is ****** up and im sorry

Grow the hell up. Telling someone their life is f'ed up because they're over weight is messed up. I feel sorry for you if that's your way of thinking.

WHO CARES IF A CHICK IS FAT!!! GROW UP PPL! I mean seriously, if it was you ppl who were overweight (NOT FAT) then you would be a little more sensitive to ppl who are in fact a little overweight. Some ppl don't understand the humiliation of being called fat until they've experienced it. So please, try to be a little nicer to people who have a little more junk in the trunk then you. It is very hard to lose weight if your genetically predisposed to gain weight, Some of you people are mean and should go die in a dirty hole. Hun....don't lose any weight. Your fine the way you are. P.s: I hope everyone learns something from this.

#76.. someone's sensitive about their weight.. now, by "dirty hole," do you mean your ****** or your mom's? because they're both big enough that my entire body can fit into. but then again, so is your belly button grow up, fatty (notice i said FATTY.. not overweighty) BOOYAH

to #76 STFU if you seriously have a proublem with peoples coments write a FML. any way lawl i laughed so hard.haha.

So wait....basically, you're telling us your overweight, and your fat belly DROOPS to your...privates...? Ugh...i'm still laughing though, even though that is DISGUSTING hahaha

Okay. First off, you don't have to be "fat" to have a roll. Being overweight makes you have the same thing. Yea, I'm overweight. I'm no where near fat, but I'm not tiny either. Having a metabolism is very important to stay skinny. I agree with some people about saying that this was indeed a nasty FML. I really didn't expect that. But that doesn't change the fact that some of you people are horrible. You can diet and exercise for years and still not be able to get rid of that pudge. It's a known fact. If you have a problem with people like that, then turn the other way.

Satoyuki 0

I agree with #36, I don't understand how he could confuse that with a ******. It should feel way different.