By sopathetic - 26/02/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were fooling around. I was sitting up on my bed when he reached down near my privates and said, "Wow babe, did you shave today? It's so soft..." He was actually touching my bottom roll above my vagina which delightfully formed a crease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 014
You deserved it 22 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vitamin_f 0

Why does it crease vertically in the middle like a vulva does? That's what I don't understand, lol.

itsfuntobesexy 0


Hey, #40, you're a ******* moron. Most fat people have NOT been fat since they were children. Most people get fat when they get older and their metabolism slows down and they're too lazy to go exercise and diet. Yeah, there are some people who have been fat since they were children, but not very many (even though childhood obesity is on the rise). So shut the **** up.

imjustbeinian 0

Why can't we all be friends? :)

Yeh, fat people aren't fat, it's us who are underfed.

I_Suck_At_Life 0

Ok comments #38 - #54 are SO off-topic its just sad. Sopathetic, you can be what you want to be, do what you want to do, have what you want to have! Girl just live your life how you want to. I think that was pretty courageous to post that as a FML though. If anyone wants to read my profile, go ahead. It's 100% true. You can feel bad for me, make fun of me, not care, or whatever you want. It's exactly 1,000 characters so I couldnt put the rest. If you want to know more Ill tell you...

music_baby224 0

dear mr. i suck at life, let's get married in ten years. (:

Uh kid it was meant to be laughed at. Obviously they're comfortable enough to say they had fat rolls. they're gonna be expecting some fat comments. You're gettin riled up over nothing.

you should work on that weight problem

Sounds like you need a date with a turkey trimmer

Well your bf obviously doesnt care about your "weight." Why should you. But yeah thats embarassing. If i were you Id consider shaving the cat.

obviously she knows she a bit overweight, hence her posting this... so everyone calling her fat probably wont upset her all that much...and why does everyone feel the need to stick up for her? confusing :/

mizled 0