By flavored - 18/11/2013 15:26 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to try flavored condoms. I guess I enjoyed them a little too much; I almost choked half to death on a strawberry cockcicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 204
You deserved it 19 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you'd make it on 1000 Ways To Die.

dantee2005 33

Well, nothing for me to say "cockcicle" says it all


KayleeFrye 39

I can't believe there are so many morons who keep asking why someone would use a condom for oral sex. Most STI's can be transferred through oral contact as well as intercourse. Good on you, OP, for being safe!

Jay_rdgz 6

Haha that's my favorite flavor yum

Sorry you nearly choked, but if you liked them, and I'm prepared to bet he enjoyed it, then in the long-run everybody wins!

you aren't supposed to suck on his d with that flavored condom.. its meant for the guy to eat you out..

Hmm might as well go really fancy and do something like a creme brulé flavored condom

You're not supposed to put the condom in your mouth you idiot. It's for having vaginal sex, and then it leaves flavouring on the penis for when you go down on him afterwards.

That's not a reason to **** your life :p thats a reason to suck your man.

I don't think you could have worded this any better.