By canwesayfail - 18/05/2016 02:20 - United States - Gloucester

Today, the only part of my Psychology final that I was 100% confident in was my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 520
You deserved it 3 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it'd be a little concerning if you weren't 100% confident in your name


Yeah... One question that is not worth any points.

I don't even think it's considered a question aha

It's more a command than a question. It's like "PUT YOUR NAME HERE!" haha

Well it'd be a little concerning if you weren't 100% confident in your name

Nyattack 14

Stress can have some quite strong effects on people...

meggieeeeee92 16

This is exactly how I feel as I sit here about to take a cell biology midterm!

I just finished an entire semester of cell bio. It was one of my hardest bio courses yet!

Lol the name is the only thing I get right

Well, you don't necessarily have to be 100% confident in your answers to pass. So, no, we act say you failed.

TeacherTeacher 11

You had an entire semester to study and ask for help if you didn't understand. YDI.

Psychology was easy! (says me, the psych major)

Well OP some people didn't even bother confirm their name on a team project here!

haha I saw that one. luckily the op had said they had to leave early And it got cleared up