By Speechless - 17/06/2016 08:12

Today, it's been a few days since I saw an ad advertising my job after being told about it by a telemarketer. When I asked my boss about it, she claimed things were fine, it was an old ad, not to worry. Now, I was actually fired for no valid reason. A telemarketer gave me more warning than they did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 225
You deserved it 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The moral of the story: be nice to telemarketers. They may be annoying, but they're also psychic demigods who inform you of services and causes you don't care about when you're just trying to eat dinner.

Im almost completely sure that they need a plausible reason to fire you. Im not saying that you deserved it but they cant fire you without one.


Im almost completely sure that they need a plausible reason to fire you. Im not saying that you deserved it but they cant fire you without one.

Depends on where they are. I don't see a country, let alone state. Many states allow employers to fire for absolutely ANY reason that isn't a federally or state protected demographic (can't fire due to religion, for example).

Not necessarily #1. If OP lives in the US and in an "at will" state, they could be fired for no reason and all the boss would have to do is come up with some excuse for it and there would be nothing OP could do about it.

For all we know it could just be OP stretching the truth a bit. OP could be a bad employee, and that would be a pretty good reason. Unlike the FMLs where people are fired for dumb reasons, OP saying no reason makes me more think the company actually had a reason.

I'm 100% sure it depends on where OP lives. Laws aren't universal you know.

For what? If OP lives in the US and in an "at will" state (which it sounds like she does), she could be fired for any reason (even dumb ones) such as her boss not wanting to pay her anymore, and there would be pretty much nothing she could do about it.

Why so litigious? For all you know, there's nothing to sue for.

Brightbulb 39

Let me tell you the beauty of 'at-will' states. I successfully got a huge contract and made my manager a large bonus. She found out I got a bonus as well for the contract, decided she didn't want to pay me that month so she fired me, then offered me my job back at half the pay. And it was 100% legal of her to do it.

The moral of the story: be nice to telemarketers. They may be annoying, but they're also psychic demigods who inform you of services and causes you don't care about when you're just trying to eat dinner.

That sucks OP, if you work in a fairly decent sized company you should take it to HR, they need to have a reason to fire you, at least where I'm from

And where I am from is an at will state that says no they don't have to give you a reason.

Although that sucks, that's probably part of your contract. Mine for example is either party can terminate at any point. At will employment can suck but overall it's better for the economy.

At least you could file for unemployed until you find another job.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Um I'm pretty sure they can't fire you with out valid reason unless you were still on probation period. So if you were past that I would recommend requesting their policies on termination of employment (should be available to view to current/past employees) then lawyer up