By crazycora - 13/12/2010 19:32 - Belgium

Today, I woke up to my kids shaking me, saying, "Get up, Santa was here!" I got up to find my TV, computer and MacBook Air all gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 323
You deserved it 3 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fortuitous 0

Someone was a bad, bad mother this year. :)


DakotaCat 4

Maybe he thought they were milk & cookies?

zp5 4

Did you leave him some cookies and milk?

they should check there house to see if there gone

And now you know how Santa's elves REALLY get all of the presents in time.

"All cars, all cars, be on the lookout for a white, obese male, 5 feet 8, white beard, red suit, driving a sleigh. Known accomplices include a group of midgets wearing green suits and funny shoes. May have fierce reindeer as bodyguards. Considered armed and extremely dangerous. Be good, for goodness sake."

so_unlucky89765 4

Haha thanks for makin me laugh!! :D

MuchDance90s 0

that's such "dad" humour love it

Your kids are very brand specific when it comes to Apple products.

FYLDeep 25

Somebody probably saw you with that MacBook Air and figured that you must have plenty of money to spend on useless items, thus making you a good candidate to steal from.

Sorry but, Santa turns into Anti-Santa if you don't leave milk and cookies. Better get the good cookies and milk next time. JK seriously though, this must have been awful, just be glad your kids are safe.

Xavi89 0

sounds like you need Craig and day day to run santa ass down.

Ninjafriends 1

I'm sorry if this seems rude, but you've really missed the obvious. As Santa is not real, he couldn't be the culprit. However, your children were in your house while this whole incident occurred. Anyone could see right through their childish alibi. They've sold your things for drug money.

Bawxy 0