By Anonymous - 04/07/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, I went swimming with this guy I like at dammed river. While we were jumping off the dam, I decided to try to impress him by doing a front flip. I didn't jump far enough off, so when I went to flip, my face skidded down the concrete wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 860
You deserved it 44 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JazzSpazz 0

That must have hurt in so many different ways. FYL.

girlygirl666 0


token_blackguy 18

did anyone get this on film?

And havent we learned anything off this site from the words "trying to impress"?

I think that signs a fake one... I'll dive in anyways because I'm a genius... They don't put up random signs to be funny.

jocyy96 0

OUCHHH!!!!!! thats what u get for trying to impress lmfao

tunacansam 0

maybe next time you should show him your **** instead of that face thing you did

maxxo_fml 0

this is soooooooo FAKE!!! ya right your face skidded down a concrete wall! however if this was actually "true" (which it isnt) then i hope youre not hot cos that would be a waste.

That sucks!! At least you were adventurous. I hope you're ok