By Anonymous - 04/07/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, I went swimming with this guy I like at dammed river. While we were jumping off the dam, I decided to try to impress him by doing a front flip. I didn't jump far enough off, so when I went to flip, my face skidded down the concrete wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 860
You deserved it 44 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JazzSpazz 0

That must have hurt in so many different ways. FYL.

girlygirl666 0


its all fun and games till someone gets concrete slammed in theire face

bexox 0

So I guess that makes it more of a damned river lol! :( Ouch! Sry about that

you know if the damn was running you could be killed right, there are reasons why safety barriers and signs are there. so gl with life and ydi big time

1st of all. OUCH. 2nd...YDI for being an "attention *****"

FML rule: if the word "impress" is contained within an FML, it's an automatic YDI.

Think I speak for everyone here by saying, "OMFGTHATMUSTAHURT!!!," and also stating, "Dumb."

deaditegirl 0

Trying to impress = Automatic YDI.