By Anonymous - 01/11/2010 13:00 - United States

Today, I was laying in bed with the covers over me, when I got an itch on my leg. It felt really good to scratch it so I got really into it. At that very moment my mom walked in, saw me doing a back and forth motion under the covers, gave me a look of disgust, and walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 931
You deserved it 5 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments


When will kids these days learn. when your parents walk in on you masturbating always follow 2 simple steps: 1. Look them right in the eyes 2. Finish masturbating. they will never walk in your room without knocking again


warrsoldier209 0

damn cought slippin yu should just hit me up

ashylarry 0

you shouldve asked her to help

haha...caught in the act....who knows,maybe she thought u had crabs

Takador 3

Um theres this thing on like the door called like a LOCK which u can like totally use to keep people from COMING IN. BTW Ur natural hair color is also showing.

Not everyone has a lock on their door. My bedroom door doesn't have one.

is that what they're calling masturbation nowadays- an itch?

hofman5 0

Well at least she saw your hand moving and not your head...or she wouldve thought u were sucking your own that wouldve been hard to explain

just tell her what happened n it'll be all good..but what happens if ur really masturbating? i dunno figure that out urself

Kaptain4274 0

thats kind of similar to american pie in some ways