By Anonymous - 01/11/2010 13:00 - United States

Today, I was laying in bed with the covers over me, when I got an itch on my leg. It felt really good to scratch it so I got really into it. At that very moment my mom walked in, saw me doing a back and forth motion under the covers, gave me a look of disgust, and walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 931
You deserved it 5 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments


When will kids these days learn. when your parents walk in on you masturbating always follow 2 simple steps: 1. Look them right in the eyes 2. Finish masturbating. they will never walk in your room without knocking again


aww...srry just explain...Explaining always mkes it betta!!!!! ;D lmfao

Whip it out and chase her out of the room with it.

jitterbug25 0

They call them 'door locks' for a reason...

kennaem1 11

Some people don't HAVE locks on their doors. I don't.

What the ****, this is EXACTLY like the FML where the person was petting their cat under the covers and someone walked in on them and thought they were playing with themselves. How about you post an FML that isnt a twist of another persons, dumb ******* OP

OP, get some Campho-Phenique. It's amazing on itchy skin. Just make sure you only use it for scratching, and not "scratching."

You got this the wrong way round. This is the version you were meant to send your mother. Right now she's reading a post that says "Today, my Mom walked in on me frantically rubbing one out, but I totally lied and said I was scratching an itch. I'm not sure if she bought it or not. FML."

yell Im not finished yet mom! and make the *fap fap fap * sound under the sheet and also yell take a picture it will last longer!. in all seriousness, what is the mom doing out of the kitchen.

melibear89 7

lesson learned don't scratch with covers over you