By Anonymous - 27/06/2013 16:58 - Finland - Nykarleby

Today, I was diagnosed with strep throat. My mom wasted no time accusing me of whoring around and claiming that most people get strep from performing oral sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 228
You deserved it 3 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AbstraktThoughts 13

Was she speaking from experience? ;)

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Cough on your mothers food. Then accuse her of whoring around. Just for laughs though.


Well if thats true than I must suck 50 cocks on my birthday. Your mom is just plain stupid. She also probably thinks the moon is made out of cheese. I feel sorry for you. And what about all the little kids?

Well thats mean! Strep throat could occur anywhere and any person

Just tell her that dad has a sore throat also.

Tell her it's from smoking lots of marijuana. She'll understand.

ivanhoe4u 3

Tell her you are pregnant and don't know who the father is.

Well then my six year old has some explaining to do! Once again, love people making up their own facts.

Yes, that's why so many children get it every year

Ew ew ew, that is not true at all. Strep throat is most common between kids of ages 5 - 15; I sincerely doubt that those 5-year-old's are participating in those kinds of activities.