By bestnameright - 10/12/2012 03:53 - United States - Washington

Today, I sent in an assignment from my batshit insane teacher. The assignment was to read a poem, analyze it, and make a comic of its plot. This would've been fine if the teacher who assigned it to me didn't teach math. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 578
You deserved it 2 061

bestnameright tells us more.

Actually when I told my humanities teacher about the project I learned that my math teacher has a degree in literature or something. 0_0

Top comments

Teacher made the decision to change majors kind of late.

Sounds like you could do with a better teacher. Teacher's and their "innovation of new ways of learning", huh?


And 31: What the **** makes you so sodding high and mighty? Just because someone has learned an easy phrase doesn't mean they're any less intelligent. In fact, if you were any smarter than you were an arrogant prick, you would know that simple phrases are the easiest to remember, which is why teachers, who spent their time in university learning how to teach to students, use them accordingly. Get off of your disgustingly high horse.

So, what you're saying is, this would make a great assignment in a science class? Awesome! I'll have my students get on it right away!

Turn in a book report on schizophrenia

Sounds like my language arts teacher who did a president project.

RedPillSucks 31

Maybe your teacher is trying to hint that you should choose a different major. Maths not your thing.

Samster2000 9

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee Circumference of a circle is pi times d But if it's area that's declared Then what you want is pi r squared

If you were actually use your brain to think, rather than spew a multifarious verbiage of sniveling you might learn something. Perhaps your teacher was making an example of your class because they do not answer word problems in complete sentences.

cpessall 8

The teacher isn't batshit crazy, that's incredibly rude. They probably hate math and didn't want to teach it, my maths teachers all say that's the case and they were stuck with it.

KiddNYC1O 20

Strange. All my math teachers were very enthusiastic while teaching it.

saffy66 34

Maybe the teacher is really thinking outside the square here & wants to see if the OP has any analytical ability or if s/he is more the creative type & would benefit from a different teaching approach.