By Anonymous - 15/10/2009 06:19 - United States

Today, I realized that my virus protection program now has a virus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 028
You deserved it 5 093

Same thing different taste


Kristoffer 35
radman 0

You must be using Norton on a PC. YDI, end of discussion.

Should have used one of the free ones like Avast or AVG. They're infinitely better than norton or mcafee. Also you totally deserve it for even getting a virus in the first place. I don't even use antivirus software and haven't gotten a virus in the last five years. Macs are pieces of shit, just use windows 7 and don't be an idiot on the Internet.

YourMooseyFate 0

YDI: 1. Do not use IE. Use Firefox. 2. Install Malwarebytes and scan every once in a while. 3. Don't go to shady looking sites or install shit when the internet tells you your PC is infected. It's not. It will be once you install what they're trying to get you to install. Anyone even in the history of the internet to get a virus deserves it for being stupid. Also, Macs are overpriced and over-hyped. They are made for people who can't figure out how to operate a computer. Anyone with a brain should save money and use a PC instead.

okay, programs cannot get viruses. only the machine thy it's on. the program can be controlled by the virus, but.... yeah, basically you're stupid

christie91 0

You deserved it because it's a Windows. buy a Mac they never get viruses or have problems. Computers are like air conditioning. Everything is fine until you open up Windows.

Dude, stop being an ignorant prick. Macs are for rich, computer illiterate people who are too stupid to take care of their computer. Windows is for people who know how to use computers and the ANTI-VIRUS that is needed to protect it. Also the reason macs have fewer viruses is because more people have windows/pcs and therefore it is more likely a virus will spread on windows. Now... if you want a reliable computer that doesn't need a lot of security and you know how to use a computer you get Linux, which is better than windows and makes pcs even better than they already were.

I don't use a mac, I'm a linux person, but you're basically completely wrong. Windows being shit shouldn't be seen as a challenge. You shouldn't need to be computer literate to get things done, and you certainly shouldn't need to take an active role in making sure your machine isn't compromised. Also, re: your point about security through obscurity: yes, this is true, but macs also have a better built-in security architecture, and this also contributes to the lack of viruses. You don't particularly need to know how to use a computer to use linux. Indeed, out of windows, mac and linux, I'd say mac and linux are about tied for ease-of-use for complete novices.

32,you are a dumb ****. no one cares about macs because nothin worth stealing is on a mac.

except for the whole thing. even if you don't like macs, which there is no good reason for, there's personal data you enter for, say, online banking

Sparky09 0

That happened to mine too, actually.