By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 14:14 - United States

Today, I had to re-take an hour long MRI scan because I got an erection midway through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 151
You deserved it 17 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, it gets boring in there and ya gotta think about something

Herbal_fml 0

I wonder how the hospital employees handle that one...


jdb2009 0

Yes, FYL, that sucks. Did they let you keep the first test results as a momento?

#24, clearly you don't know what you're talking about. An "image taking device?" Please. The MRI does exactly what you says it doesn't do: It picks up on the magnetic field created by blood flow in the brain. It looks at both de/oxygenated blood, the amount of it, as well as glucose levels in the brain, etc. etc. Next time you give medical advice on MRIs, be an MRI tech first, like myself.

kellster 2

Whoo, those sexy MRI machines! Totally turn me on, too!

#84, clearly YOU don't know what you're talking about. MRI = Magnetic Resonance *Imaging*. Any google image search will show you than an MRI is an image of the internal structures of the body created by powerful magnets. You can look at things like blood flow in the brain depending on which modality you use e.g., DWI = ischemic stroke detection, or an MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) to look at the blood vessels of the brain. There are many many things MRI is used for besides this however.

Why is everyone asking about the hospital staff? I think doctors and nurses would be the first people to not give a shit when someone has an erection. They deal with the human body all day long. If they get freaked out by something as normal as that, they need a new job.

so_me_fml 0

Agreed with #87. Also, I think it's the machine's fault. The magnets just magically pulled that thing right up into the air. Couldn't be helped :)

Probably the shortest FML i've seen in a while come to think of it...

mega_ginger 0


AshlenDoll 0