By lolgarbl - 26/02/2009 17:05 - United States

Today, I had a performance evaluation meeting with my boss. He told me I was the best in my department, and that the productivity has never been higher before I started working here. Oh, and he said that because everything is working so well, they don't need me as much, so he's cutting my hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 283
You deserved it 2 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alwaysalady 0

That happened to my husband to such a degree that his gross monthly amount went down by half.It was a bad month. He told them that if he was so valuable they better treat him like and pay him like it, or he would go to the company's top rival and work for them instead. they gave him a $2 raise and said he can work as often or as little as he likes, and they gave him a company truck. Try it, you might make off well.

Dr_Phil 0

I would start looking for a new job ... but I'm only a TV psychologist, what do I know?


Dr_Phil 0

I would start looking for a new job ... but I'm only a TV psychologist, what do I know?

crazyladydaisy 4

Maybe he was boosting your confidence, before the fall.

I'd be bringing this business up with the union if that is possible at you work. That's pretty messed up.

Ask him if that is why his wife/gf won't sleep with him anymore? honestly. If you keep the work place moving, getting rid of you would make it go back to the way it was. this is a case of jealousy and bs politics.

Then start slacking off. Once you start slacking off, efficiently will go down, and you will get more hours. As soon as you get more hours, start working hard again to bring efficiency up. Eventually he'll see it's all because of you that the company would be running smoothly. =D

Youre damned if you and you're damned if you don't. I'd suggest firebombing the building. It worked for Milton.

alwaysalady 0

That happened to my husband to such a degree that his gross monthly amount went down by half.It was a bad month. He told them that if he was so valuable they better treat him like and pay him like it, or he would go to the company's top rival and work for them instead. they gave him a $2 raise and said he can work as often or as little as he likes, and they gave him a company truck. Try it, you might make off well.

awesome plan #14 sadly i doubt it would work :(

shitfaece 0

It's not all bad. You should be able to get a good recommendation for your next job/position from your boss!

15 is a good plan and what a ho your boss is I wanna slap him :(