By Anonymous - 11/08/2013 18:11 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I had a dream in which I was being mugged. I started fighting the muggers off, while in reality, my fist smacked my wife in the face. Now she has a black eye, nobody believes my story, and they think I'm a wife beater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 403
You deserved it 5 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast you didn't stab the muggers in your dream ;]

Why doesn't your wife tell them that your story's true OP. I'm sure they'll believe the story if she says it.


catanita 18

I don't care what everyone else thinks. What your wife think is all that matters.

I admit this happened to us too. It can happen with a rough night.

it sucks but it happens! My fiancee has elbowed me in his sleep a few times!

Either A) you're the type of person or in the type of relationship that this is easily believed. or B) They're idiots.. or maybe C) you're lying..

I did the same thing. Happily, my wife did believe me. She knows I would never, ever hit her for any reason.

I have had a similar experience while sleeping with my wife. After a few comments from people I would respond with obnoxiously sarcastic comments regarding the situation such as " she snores a lot and I can't take it any longer". After doing this a few times the comments stopped.

if it helps, I believe you, my fiancé flails around in his sleep too.

people are stupid sometimes and always want to believe the worst. D: my boyfriend is crazy when he sleeps so it's happened to me a few times. x) I just hit him back.