By Anonymous - 11/08/2013 18:11 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I had a dream in which I was being mugged. I started fighting the muggers off, while in reality, my fist smacked my wife in the face. Now she has a black eye, nobody believes my story, and they think I'm a wife beater. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 403
You deserved it 5 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast you didn't stab the muggers in your dream ;]

Why doesn't your wife tell them that your story's true OP. I'm sure they'll believe the story if she says it.


cookie1207 19

I don't belive you either! Probably you just made up this story to show to ppl! YDI

flashback_fml 14

I don't believe your story either

You don't need a tank top to be a "Wife Beater"

this (or a variation of it) will happen in all marriages if they last long enough. as far as walking into a door I always thought that was b.s. until I walked into one one night.everyone gave my wife a hard time about it..I was an ass for awhile and let her squirm,but she made me pay later.

HeatherAS77 10

My hubby's a 3rd degree black belt & when we 1st got together he hadn't been out of it very long. One night he dreamed he was in a tournament & I caught a fist. He used to talk in Korean in his sleep too. It's a funny story now, hopefully someday she'll find yours funny too!!

ktiskool 18

This happened to my parents too!

My ex got me headlocked, before he woke up and explained to me just "how hard" he fought the guy in his dream... Yeah.... I kinda noticed....

The_9th_Doctor 18

could just tell everyone you two have real kinky sex

Happened to me twice with different girls :/

Can't she defend your story or make it true I would think your wife would rather have the truth made known instead of a lie I guess I can call it...