By Anonymous - 04/05/2016 14:15 - United Kingdom - Saint Austell

Today, I found out that my daughter not only has a boyfriend, but that they're trying for a baby. She's barely 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 762
You deserved it 2 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

teach her how it is having a baby, wake her up every two hours at night.

IridianShadow 20

Even better, show her videos of women giving birth. Should make her realize she isn't ready.


put her on the Maury show and he'll give her a mock baby. she'll be over the thought of having a baby in less than a day.

We don't do Maury over here - we put our trailer trash on Jeremy Kyle, so that a failed teacher can lecture them like a living embodiment of the Daily Mail. He does sometimes have a point, though.

ask her what she would do if her 15 year old kid wanted a kid

It's one thing to get accidentally pregnant at 15, kids are not always wise when it comes to birth control, but to be actively trying? I cannot help but think that you have a part of responsibility in this OP. Have you never had a talk with her about teenage pregnancy and its consequences?

I'm ashamed to be a part of this generation

The tradition of taking a leather belt and whipping it across a child's ass to teach them right from wrong when they misbehaved shouldn't have stopped in the mid 90's should've been continued well into the millennia so things like this don't occur...

As the child of a teen-mom: Don't. Just don't. Depending on the community you live in, OP's daughter (and in some regards the parents) will be ostracized in some respects. I was bullied by teachers in elementary school and constantly asked why my mother was so young. There are health concerns as well, for both mother and child. I was born 4 1/2 premature and suffered from complications as a result (severe learning disabilities and mild cerebral palsy). My mom dealt with fertility issues years later. It's just too risky.

There is nothing right about this situation.

For all of the trouble you could go through you could just start going into her room at random times to catch her with her boyfriend then slap the shit out of both of them. Also taser scare him it helps.

CliffyB03 28

God, I'm 21, and babies can wait. They poop and cry and throw up, and I'm just not ready for that if I can barely handle myself in those situations lol

ashyash90 8

Talk to her. Discipline her. Don't let her be alone with him. Make sure someone drives her to school and picks her up and bring her to her friends etc. Seriously, why does every parent on here have no idea of how to discipline their child? YOU are the parent, YOU have to teach her, raise her, protect her. Freaking do it! Or don't complain about the consequences of not doing it.