By Anonymous - 04/05/2016 14:15 - United Kingdom - Saint Austell

Today, I found out that my daughter not only has a boyfriend, but that they're trying for a baby. She's barely 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 762
You deserved it 2 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

teach her how it is having a baby, wake her up every two hours at night.

IridianShadow 20

Even better, show her videos of women giving birth. Should make her realize she isn't ready.


Where the heck were you while your little teen was having sex? Pay more attention to your kid!

If they want to, they're going to, and you can't stop them or scare them out of it. What you can _try_ to do is teach them enough about biology, society, and human relations that they can see for themselves that it's probably not a good idea.

This decision not only affects the girl, but the girl's parents because they are likely to end up raising the child and/or supporting financially based on the fact that this girl is still a child herself. Her ability to decide whether or not to have a child ends at her ability to raise and care for that child. If her parents are likely to be financially responsible, then they should get a say. It's their money. If she thinks she can do this without them, then she and her boyfriend need to emancipate themselves, and get a place together so they can do it on their own.

Thankfully you caught it before she actually got pregnant.

not even joking, I clicked this to open the comments and a clearblue pregnancy test ad popped up

mariri9206 32

Make her wear a pregnancy belly and show her and her boyfriend a slide show of giving birth, like Walter Stratford from 10 Things I Hate About You. But, seriously, OP, that sucks and you should definitely talk to her about this and make her see how hard it is and that she is, in no way, ready for it.

graphicstyle7 17

You do realize.. she's not at the age of consent, right? A 15 year old having sex by legal definition is RAPE. You need to call the cops on Mr. Boyfriend and get your daughter into counseling.

The boyfriend is most likely around her age as well..

UserError94 18

Some states it's illegal for Minors to engage in sexual activity. If they are caught there can be a case about it. This pretty much never happens tho

I don't know about the UK, but in the US it varies from state to state. In a lot of states, the age of consent may vary depending on the age of both parties involved (e.g., a fifteen year old may be able to consent to sex with a sixteen year old, but not an eighteen year old). Calling this rape without knowing the age of the boyfriend and local consent laws is presumptuous. However, if I were her parent, I would think about getting her counseling. There's got to be some reason she wants a baby. I work with teenagers and I've known a lot of teen girls that have been through trauma, loss, or feel unloved and they think a baby will fill a void in their life. That may not be the case here, but maybe therapy will help her sort things out (sorry, the last part was slightly OT).

Pretty sure OP is aware of that. In the UK the legal age of consent is 16. The bf is breaking the law, but the police are unlikely to do anything if the boyfriend is also young (or possibly even if he's a dirty old man). We don't lock kids up for acting out over here, and whilst medical care is free, the psychiatric side of it is even more underfunded that the rest, so OP's dd would probably have a long wait even if she actually did need it.

CliffyB03 28

If the boy is around her age, then she raped him as well, if you wanna play it like that

personally if that were my daughter, and i do have two young daughters both are under five, but if that were either of my daughters i'd have a very serious conversation with her. I want to say id do a lot of bad things but honestly idk, i hope i dont have to deal with that, best of luck OP.