By homewrecker - 08/11/2009 15:39 - United States

Today, I drove 600 miles to be with my boyfriend of two years for his uncle's funeral. He didn't want me to come because I am seven months pregnant and flying is dangerous in the third trimester. When I got there I don't know who was more suprised to see me: him, his wife, or their kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 035
You deserved it 6 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn..... comment and tell us what happened next!

tangerine_12 0

Dump his ass. Now. Guys like that are ******* scum.


Who drives 600 miles to surprise someone at a funeral? crazy bitch

I don't think she wanted to "surprise" him so much as she wanted to show her support for him and his family.

Thank you for saying it before I got here! I completely agree....crazy bitch probly put a hole in the condom too

That's a dick thing to say. It sounds like she really cared about the guy and didn't know about his wife. Who are YOU to say things like that? While its fine to say your opinion, please try not to degrade the woman. Or would you rather have people calling YOU things like that on something that happened that was probably an accident?

Haha, OMFG! I hope you curb stomped his ass "American History X" style, lol!

Giraffe11 0

To all the people saying YDI for getting pregnant and for not knowing more about him... She can't help that she got pregnant - contraception can only do so much; and people have double lives all the time. Which NO ONE finds out about, sometimes until they die.

crystal25 0

**** your life. What happened next?

Nothing like ruining his life with 18 years of court-ordered child support.

They aren't married, they're together, that means no child support

You're an idiot, child support is not only for married couples.

are you stupid? you honestly think you only have to pay child support if you're married? wtf? it's his child. you pay child support whether you're married or not to take care of that child. that's why all those rappers with 9202 children from random women are paying child support out there asses.

You're retarded. Child support is to support the child between two people. It has NOTHING to do with marriage. Before you make a comment, be sure you know what you're talking about.

Never heard that it's dangerous to fly when you're pregnant, but airlines don't want you to due to they want to avoid deliveries in mid-air. But how the heck didn't you suspect he having someone else all this time. This is def a YDI.

I think the risk of getting DVT is increased in pregnant women, which might be one reason they are advised not to fly..

yes i've heard that too. they do advise you not to for medical and health reasons.

Ignore this. Pcs stuffing up, it didn't reply to where it was meant to. =]

956TXking 0

holy crap! am I first?!?! anyway, too bad you had to find out THAT way that your boyfriend's a jackass...

the airline took a huge chance letting you on the flight. the worst thing that could have happened is an "unexpected" stop to get you to a hospital. :)

The OP drove...because it would have been too dangerous and risky to fly. Try reading the post.