By Optimus_Prime97 - 03/05/2012 02:39 - United States

Today, I accidentally adopted a dolphin for $125. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 934
You deserved it 31 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YdoIhaveAchode 4

How do you "accidentally" adopt a dolphin?

waresjake 3

You're going to get so many bitches with a dolphin


BlackBlazeCobra 16

How in the hell do you do that without knowing??

That's a cheap morher f-in dolphin! Where can I sign up?!

So, did you adopt it like everyone here is saying? I'm thinking it is 1 of those things where you "adopt" an animal, name it, but it stays in a zoo or habitat. Still kinda cool though.

fthislyfe 22

This is cute on many levels

Strafeh 9

Obviously you're* a little lazy with your* grammar

Think I had a wet dream, Swimmin' through the gulf stream . . . Did you name it Marlin?

linkinpark98 23

His name is Flipper flipper, faster than lightning under the sea...

Look on the bright side. You have a pet dolphin.

carnivalbabii225 0

hands down one of the most awesome epic fails ever lmao. seriously though,how the he'll did you manage that and how do I do it? :)

well ur sorted out then u will have someone to swim with !!!