By Optimus_Prime97 - 03/05/2012 02:39 - United States

Today, I accidentally adopted a dolphin for $125. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 934
You deserved it 31 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YdoIhaveAchode 4

How do you "accidentally" adopt a dolphin?

waresjake 3

You're going to get so many bitches with a dolphin


pablopoo 7

How is this a bad thing?????...

Can you post your paypal info? I am wanting to adopt something too, maybe a hedgehog, but I'm a little short on funds this month.

challan 19

85- I just peed a little laughing at your comment. ;)

Look on the bright side, it will keep Tyra away.

How in the world do you accidentally buy something, especially something like that? And does the option of returning merchandise not apply here? /facepalm

i would say that that is a pretty good price for a dolphin!

funnycraps 8

How the hell did you do that?

xxvwarrior 0

Now if you ever go to the aquarium you have someone to hold you back from that asshole dolphin, or better yet you can be its wingman.