That devil water

By Anonymous - 08/04/2020 14:00

Today, my boyfriend went to his friends house to drink. He told me he’s a happy drinker, and I believed him. He calls me drunk about three hours later and tells me he’s been thinking about cheating on me for a long time, and that he also thinks about "being with other women." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 837
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bl3ur0z3 17

He said he's a happy drunk. Not that he'll make you happy. Why is he going out? He wants Coronavirus?

toodamntall 9

Assuming you haven't broken up, the silver lining is he told you before acting on it and at least now you can try to do something about it.


bl3ur0z3 17

He said he's a happy drunk. Not that he'll make you happy. Why is he going out? He wants Coronavirus?

That just makes him a man. Men think about that stuff. Some men act on those thoughts, others just dream a little. Just humor him and let him know how lucky he is to be with you, a girl he already knows.

julfunky 29

Yes, when your man tells you he’s thinking about cheating you should treat him that much better. That’ll show him.

That might make him happy, wouldn't it? In vino, veritas.

toodamntall 9

Assuming you haven't broken up, the silver lining is he told you before acting on it and at least now you can try to do something about it.

thatRdude 4

Break up with him and move on be like “want to act stupid, gets stupid results”

You should probably think about being with other guys