Thanks Texas

By Anonymous - 16/09/2021 10:59

Today, my boyfriend gave me an ultimatum: either get an abortion, or he’ll move out to go work for his brother, and good luck chasing him up for child support because his brother lives abroad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 206
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

either way you decide about the pregnancy honey make sure you tell him to f*** off

Warp1978 15

I'd say good luck to him chasing up his long lost child after you keep the baby and drop him out of your life like a ton of shit.


bearzrcool 5

In Texas we have the Moses law where you can drop a kid off at a fire station, police, and hell me Donald's if you're really lazy.

Glad to see how the community is intelligent and supportive. Like many other here are my thoughts : - dude wants to be out ? Let him go, and never let him come back - whatever you decide, don't do it alone.

If this happened to me, I would have an abortion immediately just because assholes should not reproduce. I will have a baby with a good man.

randybryant799 20

First of all dump his sorry ass. He's a jerk. And if you want the baby have the baby. This is your choice.