Insecure dudes everywhere

By sadcation - 13/08/2023 16:00

Today, my boyfriend gave me an ultimatum: either cancel my amazing work trip or stay with him. I chose the trip and he assured me he’d be gone by the time I got back. His issue? My boss thought it’d be cheaper to get an AirBnB instead of getting us all hotel rooms, and that men are also going. FML
I agree, your life sucks 768
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to get away from such stupid. You could just as easily **** a coworker in a hotel room as in an AirBnB. Idiot.

If he can't trust you just for that, you'll be better without him.


If he can't trust you just for that, you'll be better without him.

You need to get away from such stupid. You could just as easily **** a coworker in a hotel room as in an AirBnB. Idiot.

thanks for proving his insecurities right tho. who’s the stupid one now?

The trash took itself out. Be glad you're free of that manchild.

you're better off alone than with an idiot that acts like a baby and has zero trust in you. imagine if you were married...

good riddance. he has trust issues obviously. and it will only get worse.

He must not realize it's easier to cheat in a hotel than an Air B&B...