Sink-dodger alert!

By penpendesrapen - 11/03/2010 00:40 - Philippines

Today, I went to the bathroom to take a piss. While washing my hands, I heard someone taking a large dump in one of the stalls. When he was finished, he left the bathroom without washing his hands. Turns out he was the IT guy I called to fix my computer. He sat down on my chair and used my keyboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 397
You deserved it 2 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lysol. And a phone call to his supervisor. FYL.


logieebearr 0

disenfecting wipes..buythem lol

aylaa89 0

I rarely ever comment on a FML but Snicks you're wrong "olfactic" is in fact a word meaning to smell. To the OP call his boss and make a complaint and you should have said something to him.

Official_Person 0

Ignorance would've been bliss, in this situation.

wow.. snicker whatever the rest of your name is. sorry but you are really annoying. god . chill..

I just read this crap sometimes for entertainment value but it never ceases to amaze me with everyones obsession with "******* Snickerdoodle" or grammer correction. You all are like a bunch of old bitches. Just shut the **** up and post something funny or at least pertinent to the topic. Please!!!

He did it on purpose. IT people really don't care about fixing your computer even if it's their job to do so. Ya see doing that kind of work is the lowest level of IT. It's bitch work. Keep that in mind when you see him and smile. And be sure to clean that keyboard and mouse!

bezach 0

with a wueston mark... irony of a grammer troll leads to feath

icychill67 1
pronounciations 5

@8 I'm pretty sure it is "you're." Go to school.