
By Steve - 13/06/2012 21:30 - United States - Lake Charles

Today, I walked in on my wife masturbating. Naturally, I asked her if she needed some help. She replied, "Nah, I've got this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 803
You deserved it 17 099

Same thing different taste


He's not necessarily doing anything wrong. Sometimes people just like to have some private time to themselves to do that. It doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't good enough, or that she doesn't enjoy sex with him. Masturbation is very intimate (obviously), and some people don't like to 'share' that with others, even their partners. She may just need some alone time to unwind and deal with stress.

Apparently you aren't doing it for her. Spice things up before she gets bored with herself and begins cheating!

mypanda_fml 0

Your wife pulled a gorge Lopez

Sometimes a woman just wants to please herself. It actually temporaily helps with depression and makes you feel happier. She could have had a bad day? I'm sure you have had some alone time too, no?

I would love to watch my wife finger herself to ******. I've asked & she says she doesn't have to rub herself off, that's what I'm for...Well either way, I get to see her ******

ChickInGreenVans 12

I sense some jealousy.. maybe??

broadysgirl 0

You know, sex can be messy and sweaty and sometimes as a female you just want to get there and be done. Doesn't mean you aren't satisfied with your partner, just not interested at that moment.

Buy a strap on cause your shit must be weak.