Surprised indeed

By fredo - 19/03/2013 12:31 - United States - Ames

Today, I walked into the room naked while my wife was on the computer to surprise her. She smiled, put down her laptop and left for the bathroom so I started jerking it in anticipation. It was really feeling good until my wife's best friend, who was on Skype, started giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 050
You deserved it 24 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that'll make your next dinner party awkward. It's probably bad that she was giggling rather than gasping in awe.

thosedogtags 8

Your wife is sneaky.. Although, I wouldn't want my best friend seeing my husbands junk... Maybe it's her way of wanting a threesome?! Get it son! (;


Hey! At least you have them something to laugh about for months! Or years..

Either way it will certainly make for an awkward relationship with the wife's friend

Centuries eh? Perhaps by 2340, we'll all get "Skype flash day" off. Yay holidays!

Well, his wife doesn't seem to mind. Give her friend a good show, OP, and make it awkward for her instead. XD

Well that'll make your next dinner party awkward. It's probably bad that she was giggling rather than gasping in awe.

They'll be serving cocktail sausages and gherkins to take the piss out of him, if you get my ****-t

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thosedogtags 8

Your wife is sneaky.. Although, I wouldn't want my best friend seeing my husbands junk... Maybe it's her way of wanting a threesome?! Get it son! (;

bamagrl410 31

What I don't understand is how OP didn't notice the Skype screen. When you're on a laptop, the webcam faces you. And if it was left open to where he was on camera, I'd think he'd notice someone's face across a screen... No? Just me?

You can be video chatting with someone and have the screen to see them minimized or hidden while having yours maximized.

thosedogtags 8

You can have the actual Skype screen(s) minimized while still being on camera..

Ya I agree there, a computer screen is obvious! I doubt he was paying attention to it at all until he heard the giggles. I say go for the threesome ;)

clearly states in the fml she shut her laptop. so either she has a separate webcam or this fml is fake

Sounds like the wife was setting him up, possibly for a threesome

thosedogtags 8

Isn't that what I just said...?

Why do I have the feeling your wife knew she left Skype on. Lol.

FarFromSocial 9
TheManager 6

Why do I get the feeling that you're Sherlock Holmes?...

#27 Because you are using an overused comment phrase inappropriately.

FarFromSocial 9

It's elementary my dear Watson.

I re-read the Fml. It appears that I may be sherlocks distant mentally challenged cousin. Haha I apologize.

Sherlock Holmes actually never said "it's elementary my dear Watson "

FML has a quota to fill in generic replies or else the site funding from GenericGen™ phrase generator is cut.

#20 I would like to contribute to the site's funding by writing another generic comment: F Your Life OP!

It seems that the people on know more grammar then me.FML?

Or, my personal fav, (and the reason I no longer moderate) is this: "Today, my life sucks FML" I mean, SERIOUSLY?!

I'm just wondering why she left the laptop open.. Could be a hint?

Mikeskinner 7

Naw! That couldn't possibly be why it's on FML! I thought he was just sharing the back story to a threesome!

It's not like it matters, everyone knows alot of girls tell their friends about how good her boyfriend is in the sack. Shame on your wife for leaving the speaker on though, sneakyness failed.

The way i read it, i was led to assume the wife meant for her friend to see it and wanted her husband to notice

I could see that but to me if it was meant to be a joke then the wife would have said something after instead of letting it become an fml-worthy situation as the husband clearly felt it was

I guess either way is possible, we wont really know.

Maybe we will get a follow up but yea otherwise you are correct ma'am