Second best

By Rebecca - 16/04/2012 18:49 - United States - Bloomfield

Today, my mom admitted that the only reason she took me out for lunch was because she felt guilty over going on a massive shopping spree for my sister while I was forced to stay home alone. I thanked her for the Wendy's meal anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 731
You deserved it 2 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't complain about fresh, never frozen beef.

NoFeet 4

Tell her you always liked your dad more anyways.


I'd be pissed. You should have demanded a shopping spree of your own.

Luunatic 13

Break up with her..... Haha just kidding

ouch.. :/ it's happened to me many times.

The_Honey_Badger 17

Favoritism much? I think it's time to confront your mom about this. Hope things get better for you, OP.