Regrets, I've had a few…

By Anonymous - 07/08/2023 00:02

Today, I found out my husband cheated on me two months after our wedding (and two days before my birthday). The worst part is that he's my high school sweetheart and we've been together for 8 years. I should've known not to marry him, considering he cheated on me with his friend's mom. Now I miss a guy I never dated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 417
You deserved it 1 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why does the identity of who he cheated with matter? Would you have stayed with a garden-variety philanderer, but a MILF Hunter is just too much?

He has shown you who he is. Either walk away or learn to live with it, he will not change.


Why does the identity of who he cheated with matter? Would you have stayed with a garden-variety philanderer, but a MILF Hunter is just too much?

if he made a one time mistake 8 years ago, and you have no reason to believe he's been unfaithful again, let it go.

He has shown you who he is. Either walk away or learn to live with it, he will not change.