Classic dude moment

By Two hundred down - 06/08/2023 22:00 - United States

Today, my husband hasn’t touched me in ages. I bought sexy lingerie and walked around the house in them. My husband wouldn’t budge. When I asked him why he didn't want to get physical, he told me, “You want me to be honest? Do some sit ups and butt squats, then I’ll be all over you like cheese on macaroni.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 628
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trying to spice up the marriage, that’s big of you.

Doom_Kitty 12

Ahhh the great "hanging balls, lighting hair, crumpled ass but you're not looking like a super model for me" discussion. Love it.


Trying to spice up the marriage, that’s big of you.

lq87 2

my husband called me fat and lazy a few months ago during an argument, so I totally understand

MajikNerd 1

My wife does the same. Maybe we should be friends. I completely understand!

By using an analogy like that, I'm guessing he's not exactly a beanpole himself.

Doom_Kitty 12

Ahhh the great "hanging balls, lighting hair, crumpled ass but you're not looking like a super model for me" discussion. Love it.

SylvarLorali 4

Wow... thats cold and nasty. My advice? lose 100kgs in a flash and dump his ass.