Oh, the irony

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called the police regarding people speeding down my street, because I was worried for my young kids. On the way home from my daughter's ballet class, I got pulled over two blocks away from my house and got a $150 speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 802
You deserved it 118 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoops. At least you've learnt a lesson. But thats what you get for being a hypocrite

How stupid could you be? You called in the complaint, obviously they were going to set up a speedtrap. ******* idiot.


fosizzlemynizzlE 0

you're a hypocrite, and you live in my state. i must say for massachusetts this is not uncommon, because everybody in this state is a ******* liberal hypocritical asshole, but that still does not change the fact that YOU DESERVED IT BITCH. if you wanted your kids to be safe, tell them not to go near the street, and take the responsibility on yourself. don't call the police and try to have them nab somebody and try to say that it's their fault your kid got hit when he was playing in the street.

Oh my god, I also just noticed she lives in my state. If I ever get hit by a crazy woman with kids, I will ask her if she goes on FML, and if so, if this is her. It also means that according to the drivers ed class I took, she was going over 15 MPH over the speed limit... I've never gotten a speeding ticket as I only speed a little and not around small children, but I assume they didn't make up fake things and teach them to us...

I hate people like you. 2 days after getting my brand new eclipse and license I got pulled over on the street in from of my neighborhood that is large and always empty for going 44 on a 30! how can someone drive going 30 on a mile road that is empty!! He said someone was "complaining about speeding." UGH

Well you push the pedal down far enough that you are going 30 but not so far that you are going over 30. I would have thought it very simple. Happy to help enlighten you.

paks7 0

so you got a brand new car when you got your license and you got pulled over 2 days later maybe its just me but those seem to go together a lot you're one of THOSE people

stickshifty 0

Just think, you just invested $150 into your child's safety!

iheyman 0

YDI... I'm ******* sick of parents wanting every normal, innocent, childless person to alter their lives and cater to their children's safety, but then act as though they can do anything they want just because it's THIER child. "Don't smoke on the sidewalk, my kid has to smell it. Don't curse in a public restaraunt, my kid can hear you from our table..." The world shouldn't have to be your kid's babysitter. I agree with #47: watch your own damn kid. Tell them to look before running in the street. I had people drag-racing in my neighborhood growing up, and never once did a single neighborhood kid get hit, because our parents taught us to look both ways and stay on the damn sidewalk. Stop making your children's safety the burden of everybody else. You're a hypocrite and you deserve it.

blueorchid_fml 0
curryndricegirll 0

It's even worse if you're speeding in a neighborhood. You said you were two houses away meaning you were still in a neighborhood. Why would you even consider speeding there? And what about other people's kids...or are they just not as important to you?

hey he said he was concerned for his kids, not other peoples. tear up the ticket fight the power.

cbrown89 0

at least we know the cops are doing their jobs!! gg :D