Oh, the irony

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called the police regarding people speeding down my street, because I was worried for my young kids. On the way home from my daughter's ballet class, I got pulled over two blocks away from my house and got a $150 speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 802
You deserved it 118 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoops. At least you've learnt a lesson. But thats what you get for being a hypocrite

How stupid could you be? You called in the complaint, obviously they were going to set up a speedtrap. ******* idiot.


HeyThereGorgeous 0

They say karma's a b*tch ....

star_ver 0

That's what you get for snitching on people for stuff you do...

pepper2394 0

At least the cops listened to you...you know if you call the cops to check for people speeding down your road, you don't speed down the road you know cops are looking for speeders at.

piddly_03 0

ydi for so many reasons. speeding with your kids in the car is just as dangerous as someone speeding while they're playing outside. plus, you're the one who asked the cops to be there in the first place. too bad you dont care about other people's kids being hurt by people speeding - hypocrite much? karma's a bitch.

ghost18 0

that's what happened for bein an asshole,, you dont call up for the other people,if you behave urself others will do too!

paks7 0

i can't believe you actually expected sympathy for this

# 93. You push down the gas pedal and go.

so you can speed but nobody else can? You deserve a ticket just as much as everyone else.