Never do this

By Anonymous - 05/07/2015 06:18 - United States - Cranford

Today, I confessed my feelings to the girl I like, who also happens to be my coworker. She told my boss, and they're laughing about it as I type this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 403
You deserved it 3 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw both of them. You deserve someone mature and respectful

How insensitive of them. The important thing to remember is that it's not the end of the world. They'll soon forget about it and you will move on and find an even better woman for you.


One of the top rules about work is to never date a coworker

Can't date someone who's heartless.

martin8337 35

Probably a good thing. You shouldn't dip your pen in the company ink.

At work? They're better off scolding you... And if she is low enough to laugh at you, don't stoop to her level. She's below you for a reason :) stay classy my friend

Act like it was a joke and go tell her you would never have feelings like that for her, and you're surprised she believed you. see who's laughing then? I'm sorry that that happened though, you dot deserve that, it's cruel. hope everything is better now?