Never do this

By Anonymous - 05/07/2015 06:18 - United States - Cranford

Today, I confessed my feelings to the girl I like, who also happens to be my coworker. She told my boss, and they're laughing about it as I type this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 403
You deserved it 3 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Screw both of them. You deserve someone mature and respectful

How insensitive of them. The important thing to remember is that it's not the end of the world. They'll soon forget about it and you will move on and find an even better woman for you.


Maybe she's getting the D from your boss.

You sure that's what they're laughing about? What if she just told him a joke?

Tough love...on to someone else unless things change

bad_boyfriend 10

"I confessed my feelings..." What did you expect? Were you hoping she was also harboring some obsesion level secret crush for you? You could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment had you simply asked her out for a drink.

haven't you ever heard you're not supposed to shit where you eat? YDI

I tried mixing love and work doesn't work it sucks for you but it's probably for the best thb

sorry man :/ always be careful with coworkers...

You deserve to be happy don't let the little people get you down and don't give up trying! She could of had something great but chose to walk away.

ShadowlessSpear 21

I'd just like to point out that OP tried to start a relationship in the workplace. Bad idea.

'Confessing' your feelings to someone is for movies not real life. Ask someone on a date first.