Mommy issues

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as I was picking up my 7 year-old daughter at my ex-husband's house, my daughter started crying saying that she wanted to stay with Daddy forever. I asked why. She said her stepmom was a better mommy. Apparently, the woman who broke up my marriage is now a better "Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 103 821
You deserved it 9 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes kids play off on parent against the other to get stuff. You know, step mummy's better because she lets me eat fast food, watch tv late... or something to try and get you to do the same. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Yeah, FYL. That's pretty sad. And she's probably only a better "mommy" cause she acts more like an aunt or something. Gives her everything she wants,maybe? Number 42, right above me--- You're a jerk!

Number 35-36 What the bloody hell are you talking about?!

Number 31- What in the bloody hell are you talking about? Seriously, idiot.

This is the most identical duplicate yet! Check it: "Today, I was picking up my daughter from my ex-husband's house and his new girlfriend was there. I called to my daughter that it was time to leave and she clung to his girlfriend and said 'Mommy, I don't want to leave.' She wasn't talking to me. FML" That one's worded better =)

baby_love 0

awwww, im sorry the step mom doesn't care as much as you do so there are probably less rules with her and that's why she's more appealing to a 7 year old , don't worry she'll get passed the stage

Number 47-- Ever think the same situation happens to people? In this HUGE world? :/

Now this is a real FML! That totally sucks!