Mommy issues

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as I was picking up my 7 year-old daughter at my ex-husband's house, my daughter started crying saying that she wanted to stay with Daddy forever. I asked why. She said her stepmom was a better mommy. Apparently, the woman who broke up my marriage is now a better "Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 103 821
You deserved it 9 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sometimes kids play off on parent against the other to get stuff. You know, step mummy's better because she lets me eat fast food, watch tv late... or something to try and get you to do the same. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Aw, don't let it get to you. Let's face it, she's with her dad, what? Every other weekend? So you're stuck doing all the disciplining and real parenting while she goes there and gets to play and probably do whatever she wants. She's bound to think things like this when she's this young. She'll understand when she gets older.

#4 is right--but if you stick to your guns and still show her love even if it's tough love sometimes... she will be better for it AND love/respect you more when she is older.

AntiChrist7 0

kids are a pest, and think properly before you get married. YDI

That sucks, but apparently she is. YDI- some people just aren't good at parenting. oh well, move on.

I guess the step mum might give her more treats and things because the kid won't do what they're asked to do by her without them, you know 'you can't tell me what to do you're not my mum' sort of thing.... and then the kid associates this with her being nicer because she gives her more things that mum won't because mum doesn't have to bribe her to clean her room, eat her vegetables etc because she has the authority the step mum doesn't.

pancakelover 0

I would have been PISSED! But you have to realize that maybe she likes them better because she isn't being disciplined by them. At least I hope that's how it is, so that in reality you are actually the better parent.

#31 really? It takes two people to fight, and give up. And by the fact that the OP said the she broke up the marriage, i believe she means that HE (the ex husband) decided to leave her. Therefore HE didnt love her anymore. Please stop passing judgement based on you're half baked ideas. I can't even imagine how much that would hurt if (when i have kids) my child were to say that to me. But yes, just try to keep in mind that #2 and #4 are right and she will get over it. (But i would make sure that it isn't about her feeling like shes not spending enough quality time with you, because that COULD be a valid reason behind the angry words)

I tried to edit that to make sure i pointed out that he could have left her the right way, or the ass-hat way by cheating. Either way it's an FML for her because the man she loved and fathered her child no longer loves her AND the daughter just said the she also loves that woman more.

Cooper0526 0